Curriculum - Specialist Programs
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths)
Our school has a major focus on all learning related to STEM. Our students are recognised as leaders in STEM and are regularly asked to present their STEM learning to other organisations. Staff at Woodford explicitly plan for learning opportunities that engage students, preparing them in such areas as coding, programming, engineering and reverse engineering. Woodford staff have access to a range of world leading educators in STEM, ensuring that our students are participating in relevant opportunities.
Our Principal has also been awarded study scholarships in recent years to work alongside STEM leaders across the USA, bringing amazing learning opportunities for Woodford students. As part of this study, presentations have also been made to educators from across the state showcasing the wonderful work of our school.
Art - Woodford students all participate in weekly Art lessons with a specialist teacher.
All children are involved in a variety of musical and performing arts activities and experiences in the classroom and have the opportunity to perform at assembly and on other occasions. Specilaist Music lessons are timetable for hour each week for every class in the school. Our music program also include Middle School Choirs for student to participate in.
Physical Education and Sport
All students participate in specialist Physical Education lessons with their class for one hour per week. The senior grades conduct an additional weekly Sport session with all students participating in a range of sporting pursuits and training for interschool events.
Interschool Sport is strongly promoted in the upper grades, with Woodford students participating in most Victorian School Sports Association events. Our regular interschool sports include Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, T-Ball and Netball. Many other sports are also promoted according to specific student interest.
As part of our Senior School Sport Program we travel to an AFL match each year. The group always have a great night, traveling to Melbourne by coach.
Woodford is part of the Specialist Science in Schools funding opportunity. This provides our community with Science teachers to co-ordinate and implement the program for all students. Each class participates in a 60 minute lesson every week. The Science program also includes specialist visits to and by a variety of Science related events.